Keller Williams Legacy - Roberto Ayala
Roberto Ayala
Keller Williams Legacy
Weston, FL
English / Spanish
Licenca #:3387720 -FL / REALTOR® uBobby Ayala Real Estate
Svaka kancelarija Keller Williams® je u nezavisnom vlasništvu i upravljanju
Moji detalji
JEZICI English, Spanish
MARKET CENTAR Keller Williams Legacy

O meni

Public, customer service and team work has been my passion and the intensity of it has provided me with great satisfaction.
Born in 1965, son of an architect, I grew up surrounded by blue prints, in the constructions sites and developments. My father Rodolfo Ayala dedicated his life to his love of God, family and his passion to serve and give to others. He became a successful Realtor associate/manager with Isla Del Coqui Real Estate that later became partner with Coldwell Banker Real Estate in Puerto Rico. As a VP for Coldwell Banker/Isla Del Coqui, my father was key in the expansion, training and success of the company till his retirement.
I believe that if you want to know about me, I have to mention my parents as great example of integrity, dedication and compassion I grew with.
At the age of 17, I went to college to study Industrial Engineering. I was very interested in: line of production, efficiency, quality control, maximize production minimizing effort/investment, safety, etc.
I apply my knowledge and experience to my strong passion for Hospitality and Customer service.
Now with over 6 years of been in the Real Estate in Florida, working hard and educating myself in the industry, I am ready to work hard for you, with integrity, dedication and understanding.
Call me with your questions 917-771-8741 or email [email protected]

My Preferred Vendors
A curated selection of vendors that I trust and recommend for various services. Discover reliable businesses that offer exceptional quality and a commitment to excellence.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Roberto Ayala
Licenca #: 3387720
Bobby Ayala Real Estate

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Keller Williams Legacy
1625 N. Commerce Parkway, Suite #100 Weston, FL 33326

Roberto Ayala
REALTOR®  3387720
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